Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Money Spent Selling Sugar to Americans

In this article James Hamblin is addressing the issue of advertisement deception that we as Americans all fall victims to everyday. Advertising companies use tactics such as bright colors, stunning visual imagery and carefully chosen diction to create a perception about their product which may not be entirely true. Words such as "Real" have been discussed in this article to show a tactic which is used. A company such as Kellogg's uses this word to say they use "real" ingredients to give a facade of all naturally ingredients when in actuality the only real thing being used is the amount of sugar put into a product. More than 50 percent of the crops grown in America are planted to produce crops which can be manufactured into sugar. Whilst fruits and vegetables only maintain five percent of the crops. People are feeding into the industry simply because they have a very appealing taste and this drives people away from healthier produce because taste is wired into a psychological need rather than simply a sensation created from your mouth. The markets will continue to pour money into these advertisements as long as every American still has this overwhelming craving for "real" ingredients and sugar.

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